Tuesday, March 21, 2017

FBI probe: A ‘trump’ card for Donald Trump!

                                                          FBI probe: A ‘trump’ card for Donald Trump!

This presidential election of the United States of America has drawn much more attention than any other elections. The reason is mere two candidates, Democratic party’s candidate Hillary Clinton and Republican party’s contender Donald Trump, they both have put in much spicy factor in the 2016 American presidential elections. With only a few days left for the final polling, a twist came in which is believed to alter the result at the end. The issue of using personal server during the tenure of Hillary Clinton as secretary of state added spark to the election campaign. From the last few months, the presidential campaign was quite restricted to open debates between Hillary and Donald Trump but since the email issue came up, the almost declared winner Clinton fate appears to be in dark. The email controversy has definitely put Hillary into the back seat as a clear 4% decrease has been reported in her popularity. Before the email controversy came up in this election, Hillary was reported to be ahead of Donald by 12-14%. Though the image of Donald Trump is not very good in Americans, with no other choice, he might get automatically ahead in polls. Keeping aside the matter of who is a better candidate or who deserves the seat of the world’s most powerful president, the issue is how and why this email controversy again came up as it was once probed earlier by FBI, and that too before few days of final polling. This might be a conspiracy to pull down Hillary’s popularity in a very short term and affect the results. Since, the probe is again underway by the FBI, when the result of this investigation would come out as the agency has to verify bundles of 6,50,000 emails. It is interesting to note that these emails were released by the husband of her vice chairwoman of 2016 election Huma Abedin, Anthony Weiner. The issue was raised second time by FBI Director Jim Comey at this crucial time. Though Comey was elected by Barack Obama he belongs to Trump’s party, hence one cannot deny any chances of controversy being plotted against Hillary Clinton.

If one looks into any of these candidate’s history, they were involved in controversies. Hillary was involved with controversies regarding her Wall Street speeches and people considered her as the heir of corrupt management. While as far as Donald is concerned, he is accused exploitation of women and several females have came up in limelight against him. Besides this, he is also accused of not opening his tax records to the government. With both candidates involved in the controversies, Americans don’t consider any of them as ideal candidates. Though the reports say Hillary Clinton suffered a 4% decrease in her popularity but still majority of them forecasts Hillary’s victory. The election results will definitely be interesting as 20 million voters have voted already.  

नैनीताल की नैना देवी

Monday, January 28, 2013

Its important to exchange business opportunities

To cope up with global recession, it is important to increase the business between countries. Because the developing countries has limited resources. For long term development, it is necessary that stepwise enhancement in the field of business is carried out. These are the outcome of CII (Confederation of Indian Industries) partnership Summit 2013 held at JP Palace hotel on Sunday. The three-day long summit is believed to strengthen business between UP and other countries. 939 delegates from 45 countries are participating in the summit.
With the motto of becoming World's business hub, the coming decade is very important for India. To speed up the business between other countries and to benefit industrialists, Single Clearance Window system  should be imposed. Likewise, in the coming five years, UP would see a tremendous development in the field of power, IT and agriculture. The chief guest was President of India Dr. Hamid Ansari. The Chief minister of UP Akhilesh Yadav invited investors from all over the world to invest in UP. Minister of Commerce and Industry textile Anand Sharma had given the credit of organising such a great event. Adi Godrej also attended the summit.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A Salute to their Bravery

This year too brave children will be awarded the bravery award on Republic Day. In 2013, a total of 22 brave children from around the country will be awarded a medal, certificate and cash prize saluting their bravery. These children set an example of bravery and saved the lives of innocent people. The children who will become a part of this year's Republic Day parade are Ramdinath (Mizoram), Anil (Mah.), E. Sungathan (TN), Korogamba Kumar (Manipur), Satyendra Lokhna (UP), Vishvendra Lokhra (UP), Akanksha Gote (Chattisgarh), Tarun Atul Bhai Mistry (Guj.), Renu (name changed, Delhi), Gajendra Ram (Chattisgarh), Vijay Kumar Sainik (UP), Raghunath Baraaf (Mah.), Pawan Kumar Kannaujia (UP), Sitripleezman, Sapna Meena (Raj.), Sushil KM (Kar.), Devansh Tiwari, Mukesh Neeshad (Chattisgarh), Lalrinhua (Mizoram), Ramith k, Mabin Cyrikk, Vishnu MV (Kerala).

Amongst them, the story of Chattisgarh's Akanksha Gote is different. She was going with her father. Suddenly few robbers come and attack her father. She, being black belt holder in Karate, attacked back on robbers and saved her father's life. She set an example in front of people of orthodox mentality that does not agree on girl child education or who are against the girl child in the family. Also, Akanksha's father deserves a clap as he allows what her daughter wants to do and the result is in front of us. Another interesting story is of Delhi's Renu (her identity is not opened), she busted the sexual harassment by the staff in a child home where she was also inhabited. She cleverly saved her life by ran away from the home and informed the people about the matter. Likewise, Akanksha and Renu, if every girl of our country given a chance, she surely hold our head high in the world's map.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Pressure of studies

Agra. In this throat cutting competition, even students are so much depressed that they are attempting suicides. One such case came into light last Sunday. A student of class eighth tried to hang herself in her room. It was her family farsightedness that she was taken into hospital on time. Such suicide attempt cases bound us to think where our education system taking us to. The system is depressing students rather than educating them. The syllabus is getting tougher every year. Students are forced to participate in each and every activity irrespective of their likes and dislikes. The school management says that such activities are necessary for students' overall development. With huge syllabus and pressure of activities student's find themselves in the confusing situations whether to fair in studies or in activities.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

दिलचस्प चुनाव चिन्ह

आगरा में असेम्बली इलेक्शन की डेट 28 Feb. घोषित हो गयी है. सभी पार्टी के प्रत्याशी चुनावी प्रचार करने में व्यस्त r आज जब चुनावी प्रचार का अंतिम दिन था तो सभी ने अभी पूरी ताकत उसमे झोंक दी। सभी अपने समर्थकों के काफिले के साथ रोड पर निकल पड़े। प्रत्याशियों का लोगों से जनसंपर्क के दौरान वोट के लिए अपील करना देखना दिलचस्प रहा। उससे भी ज़यादा दिलचस्प है इन प्रत्याशी के चुनाव चिन्ह। किसी का चुनाव चिन्ह है हैंडपंप है तो किसी का बाल्टी। किसी का गैस सिलेंडर है तो किसी का बिजली का खंबा। मुझे तो यह लगता है कि सत्ता में आने के बाद यह लोग जनता से बाल्टियों में पानी भरवाएंगे और बिजली के लिये तर्सायेंगे। अगर इससे भी मन नहीं भरा तो लोगों को दो टाइम का खाना भी नसीब नहीं होने देंगे, क्योंकि गैस सिलेंडर भी समय से नहीं मिल पायेगा ।

पोलिओ फ्री इंडिया

कई सालों बाद एक रहत की खबर आयी है. World Health Organization ने इंडिया को पोलिओ मुक्त देश घोषित कर दिया है। पिछले एक साल से देश में पोलिओ का कोई केस नहीं सामने आया है। आखिरी केस Howarh में 2011 में देखा गया था। इयर 2009 में 741 और 2010 में 42 लोग पोलिओ से ग्रसित पाए गए थे। मगर अभी भी पोलिओ की खुर्राक बच्चों को पिलानी ही होगी नहीं तो यह बीमारी फिर से फ़ैल सकती है। इयर 1978 में पोलिओ की खुर्राक शुरू की गयी थी। तब यह Expanded प्रोग्राम इन Immunistaion के अंतर्गत सुरु किया गया था। 1985 में Universal Immunisation प्रोग्राम के तेहत यह पूरे देश में लॉन्च कर दिया गया। इयर 1987 में 28,757 केसेस से घट कर 1995 में 3,265 पोलिओ के केसेस ही सामने आये। इयर 1988 में शत प्रतिशत पोलिओ के सफाए के लिए Pulse Polio Immunisation Programme और Universal Immunisation Programme को लॉन्च किया गया। आख़िरकार इयर 2012 में World Health Organization ने इंडिया को पोलिओ मुक्त देश घोषित कर दिया। मगर अभी भी पाकिस्तान देश की तरफ से पोलिओ के लगातार केसेस आ रहे हैं। यह केसेस अभी भी Pulse Polio Immunisation Programme के लिए एक challenge बने हुए हैं। इन केसेस को खत्म करने के लिए नयी strategy बनानी होगी।